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Fruit Snack: 3 practical tips to avoid burnout

Did you know the burnout rate in America is 75%! We are living our lives at breakneck speeds and literally breaking down – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

So, how do we become one of those in the 25% category? Surprisingly, we can make sure we stay cool, calm, and collected with some simple tips and a little effort. 

Check out these three practical tips on how you can avoid burnout: 

  1. Allow for Margin – Quit stuffing your calendar FULL with Zoom meetings, coffee dates, family gatherings (in-person or virtually), serving, volunteering, etc. Leave room on your calendar to allow God to move or use you in ways that you could never fathom – beyond your wildest dreams. 

  1. Get out of your environment – Venture outside of the typical places you do everyday life. Take a road trip, go for a walk, sit at a park, go grocery shopping in an entirely different town. Do something to jolt you out of the norm and refresh yourself! You will have a new perspective and a renewed sense of being. 

  1. Know your breaking point – Be aware of when you are getting close to your limit and are about to hit your breaking point. Are you feeling agitated, snapping at family members, or have a continuous negative internal dialogue? Those are sure signs of a need to take a breather. Get to know your signs and take a step away. 

  1. BONUS! Go to Jesus. It’s that simple. Stop and pray. Sit in the quiet and just BE with Him. Let your to-do list go and give it all up to Him. He can do more in your sleep than you could ever do in 7 days of the week. He is our good God, and He will give you peace. 

So, SLOW it down a little bit and give yourself some room to allow for God to speak to you, get out of your normal daily routine, understand your breaking point and spend time with Jesus – leaving your to-do list at the door. 

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6. Fruit Snack: 3 practical tips to avoid burnout
7. Mindfulness practices for faith-inspired leadership