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Resetting Expectations

Fruit Snack: Resetting your expectations

Goals, standards, and expectations are great markers and guidelines to keep you on your path to success. Without them, it would be hard to function as a team, family, or society and achieve incredible life milestones. It’s when the expectations we set in our minds don’t happen, things can get tough. 

At that point, there are two decisions you can make. You can either be upset and continue on the path of frustration of things not living up to your expectations, OR you can reset your expectations, enjoy the process and make it a fun experience.

So what can you do to reset expectations? 

  1. Get rid of the original expectation. 
  2. Breathe, relax, and acknowledge that everything will turn out OK. 
  3. Reevaluate and set a new expectation. Look for alternatives to your goal or guidelines. 
  4. Continue to be flexible. It’s a learning, not a failure. The more you learn, the more you can improve. Keep adjusting your expectations.

There is not only one way to do something. Quit stressing yourself out and let go of perfection.

Release the pressure of the expectation and allow yourself to flow with the process. 

Reset. Rest. Reset. Rest.

10. Fruit Snack: Resetting your expectations
11. 6 steps to conquering your fears and living your dreams