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pivoting your career, business, or calling

Changing course and pivoting your career, business, or calling

If we’ve learned anything from 2020 and the unforeseen pandemic, it’s that things don’t always go as planned. Yet, we continue to set goals, write out our days in the form of to-do lists, and expect life to go how we created it. The Bible says, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps,” Proverbs 16:9 (NIV). 

A dream and vision is beautiful, but when that dream can no longer be a reality, what are you to do? Instead of continuing to ask, “Lord, what is my calling?” You need to pivot and move in a direction that feels right in your heart and gut. As Lindsay May, founder of The Truly Co. and publisher of Truly magazine, has found, the pivots will lead you to your calling. 

If you are struggling with yet another roadblock on your path to your dream or grappling to find your calling, Lindsay’s story will inspire you to think differently and take each pivot as a way to get closer to God and that “I was made for this!” moment. 

Meet Lindsay

Lindsay May is the founder of The Truly Co. and publisher of Truly a Christian magazine. She is a  creative communication enthusiast, speaker, teacher, and marketing coach with a background in internal communications, marketing, and strategic planning. Lindsay is passionate about Biblical truths and empowering leaders. 

Foundation building

“God whispers things in your heart, and you just know that there’s something ahead, but you can’t always pinpoint what it is. That’s something that I’ve felt for a long time.” Lindsay May wrestled with an unknown calling for many years, asking God what He had in store for her and putting so much pressure on herself when pondering her calling. As Lindsay found, it’s in the journey that we often find our answer, “Some people have such a clear call, and mine has been more like a journey that God has slowly been leading me on – almost like placing little nuggets in front of me. OK, here’s an interest, here’s a passion, and when I get on these passion kicks, it leads me to the next step.” 

For Lindsay, the journey to her career and calling hasn’t been linear. Many pivots and course corrections have led her to become the founder of Truly Co. and publisher of Truly magazine, roles she never envisioned for herself. From starting podcasts way back in 2006 at a job she did not enjoy and leading internal communications for 22,000 employees for a health and wellness company, God has been paving the way. “I look now, and I’m like, oh my goodness, God was laying the foundation for so many basic things that I get to do today.” 

Painful Pivots

Before Truly Co., there was a point when Lindsay thought she finally found her calling, “I wanted to be a world-renowned wedding photographer. I took a step of faith, started my LLC, and launched my photography career.” That leap of faith led Lindsay to a successful photography business and a life she dreamed of with a beautiful photography studio and clients seeking her out. Then one day changed it all. Lindsay received an email from her landlord stating that they had sold the building and she needed to vacate in 30 days. Door after door continued to close, and Lindsay had to discern if this was just another spiritual battle she needed to push through or if it was God closing a door. The answer was clear. “God was shifting my heart and my time to do something totally different that was going to make a different impact. I would never guess that I was going to be publishing a print magazine, just three years after that time.” 

A new path

Lindsay saw a need for more opportunities for women to be a part of ministry without a mic and stage. An idea started burning in her mind and heart that keep her lying awake at night dreaming about what could be. “It wouldn’t let me go. I laid awake at night and was like, why won’t this idea leave me? But I also wrestled because I thought if I bring it up, then I have to follow through with it. And I know that these things take a lot of work to do.” She did it anyway – stepping out in fear and believing that God would provide. “We live in a microwave culture. We want things instantly. We want to see how everything is going to play out right away. We want guarantees, and that’s not always the case. Sometimes we don’t see everything that God is leading us to until we’re in it, and that’s where faith comes in.” 

More from this episode

God is going to give us exactly what we need in the seasons we need it. It’s never too soon. It’s never too late. The key to flowing with the process of pivoting your career and calling is posture. I’ve had to let go. I’ve had to open my arms, my hands and say, ‘Lord, bring me the people that you want, that you know that I need in this season, and release the people, things, and places that I cling to that aren’t necessary for my life right now.’” Want to hear more of Lindsay’s story and how you can navigate the course changes and pivot your calling? Hit play to get the full story! 

Connect with Lindsay on Instagram @lindsaymaypix or Facebook 

Connect with The Truly Co. 

The Truly Co. produces Truly magazine, a beautifully curated print magazine that explores the heart of God and living out our faith as we fix our thoughts on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Be sure to get your copy today! The Truly Co. also offers a Facebook group to provide community and build connections and friendships for its readers. If you have been searching for another great podcast to listen to, check out the Truly Co. podcast on all major podcast platforms! And of course, you can find the Truly Co. on Instagram at @thetrulyco.

Looking to build a community of Christian women? Head over to Faith & Gather for connection and more stories to become faith-inspired.

13. Changing course and pivoting your career, business, or calling
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