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Staying in your lane and living your purpose

Staying in your lane

Comparison and envy are ripe in our culture, and with the ability to compare your life to thousands of individuals with a click of a button, it can be tough to focus on the path God has set before you. 

Even with a strong foundation in Christ, we can find ourselves distracted by what others have and what we dream for. The blunt truth is we all have our own race to run and a purpose given to us. Not staying in our lane runs the risk of not completing the path and tasks God has given you. 

Emily Vermillion, a certified Christian Life Coach, is passionate about helping women focus on staying in their lane to create a life of success and happiness not only in God’s eyes but their own as well. 

Put on your headphones and listen to the truth you need to hear about setting you free and keeping you focused on staying in the lane God has set before you.

About Emily

Emily is a wife and mother, and Christian Life Coach. She loves personal development, organic living, and reading books. Her podcast, The Thought Vault, is a Christian personal development show to help encourage others to live life with BOLD intention in faith! She loves a good chocolate chip cookie, coffee drinks, dance parties, and hiking in the mountains of NC.

Connect with Emily

Instagram at @byemilyvermillion

The Thought Vault Podcast

The Bold Insiders Facebook Community

20. Staying in your lane
21. God’s unexpected sense of humor