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how to live a life you love with intentionality

22. How to live a life you love with intentionality

Living a life of intentionality takes work but comes with great rewards. It requires you to eliminate roles that do not serve you in your current season, including roles you may hold onto dearly. 

Living intentionally also requires you to set boundaries and stick with them, even when it feels uncomfortable. 

But to first live a life of intentionality, you need to understand your true core values. 

Gina Grove, a faith-focused certified life and wellness coach, published writer, and speaker strives to help her clients feel joy, energy, and peace again through living a life of intentionality, starting with identifying their core values. 

Join us as we talk about establishing your core values as the firm foundation to eliminate the unnecessary and set boundaries to protect the life you imagine. 

Let’s dive in!  

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FAITH INSPIRED PODCAST SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2021/09/15/how-to-live-a-life-you-love-with-intentionality/

God’s unexpected sense of humor
How to live a life you love with intentionality