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How to make your marriage last

How to make your marriage last and be the exception

Anyone who’s been married for a second knows that marriage is not always sunshine and rainbows. Once the honeymoon is over, reality sets in, and the picture-perfect fairytale becomes a bit more work than riding off into the sunset. If left on autopilot and to our satisfaction, marriage can take a few wrong turns and leave you thinking, how did we get here?

Annie Meehan is a keynote speaker, award-winning author, and Exceptional Life expert. As a keynote speaker, she is committed to transforming achievement from good to great by teaching people to rewrite their excuses into successful accomplishments – including marriage. 

Join Annie and me as we discuss her personal story of 25 years of marriage, the steps she has taken to keep marriage at the forefront of her priority list, and how to make your marriage last and be the exception. 

About Annie Meehan

Annie Meehan is an enthusiastic speaker that inspires, enlightens, and energizes her audiences with her clear message that spurs listeners to break counterproductive patterns and be the exception! As a widely embraced international speaker, she has helped legions transform themselves from a life of ‘muddling along’ to one of sustained focus that showcases success after success. As an expert on living an exceptional life, Annie is the catalyst to motivate you to obliterate any and all roadblocks that stand in your way. She is the author of five motivational books, including the award-winning Be The Exception. Annie has three adult children and lives in Fort Myers Beach, FL, with her husband. She loves volunteering in her community, traveling with her family, and walking (or being walked) with her two dogs, Peanut and Leo!

Key Takeaways:

  • The four stages of marriage
  • Steps to take to keep your marriage a priority
  • How and when to pick your battles
  • Why “Wine at 9” is so vital for your marriage

Connect with Annie Meehan

Do you want to learn more about how you can make other areas in your life be the exception? Connect with Annie via her website or on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram

Resources Mentioned

5 Love Languages


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33. Obeying God at all costs
34. How to make your marriage last and be the exception