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40. How to have an honest conversation with God

Be honest. Are you honest with God? Depending on how you were raised or what type of church you grew up in, honest conversations with God can be incredibly uncomfortable. 

Jelilat Williams is a therapist and coach that helps imperfect Christians like you and me keep their relationship with God simple, healthy, and authentic, so you don’t have to feel like you’re going through life alone.

As Jeli states in this episode, the book of Habakkuk is a great example of how we can bring it all to God and feel safe knowing that He loves us even when we bring the good, bad, and ugly to Him. 

So, let’s get comfortable with the uncomfortable and learn how to share our true selves with the One who already knows it all.

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2022/06/07/how-to-have-an-honest-conversation-with-god/

How to have an honest conversation with God
41. Have you forgotten God’s majesty? Look here.