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Have you forgotten God's majesty?

Have you forgotten God’s majesty? Look here.

We’ve gotten too casual about God. 

We’ve forgotten that in His presence, ANYTHING can be done. 

Did you know that our galaxy is estimated to have over 100 billion stars? That’s right. B for Billion. Yet, we forget God’s greatness and His majesty every single day. Could this be why we’re so overstressed and joyless? 

Hit play for a beautiful reminder of God’s unfathomable glory, and don’t forget to download the helpful tool below. 


I paired gorgeous images and Bible verses as a reminder of God’s majesty that is free for you to download. You can download these and add them to your phone for a daily reminder of His incredible greatness. To get yourself a copy, go to bit.ly/holymajesty.

41. Have you forgotten God’s majesty? Look here.
42. Boundaries: How to say no with compassion and confidence