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54. Doing it afraid: Living the life God designed for you

Fear is an emotion your mind creates when it believes that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or is a threat. But Fear is often a liar, and it keeps us from doing the very things God has designed for us. 

Pastor Becca Ketterling battled debilitating fear and anxiety for years, so when God called her to create and lead a women’s ministry, she was left crying, begging Him to pick someone else. But God got it right, and fear got it wrong. So, with the bit of courage she had, Pastor Becca did it afraid and took one small step at a time. Fast forward almost 20 years, and her little act of faith has become a women’s ministry that impacts thousands of women every year. 

If you are stuck in fear and unable to take the next step where God is calling you to be obedient, or if you need a reminder that it is okay to continue to be afraid as you keep making steps forward to where you need to go, my conversation with Pastor Becca Ketterling will leave you feeling like you are not alone and that God can and will do things for you and through you as you take each step doing it afraid. 

Let’s get started on that first step. 

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2022/09/13/doing-it-afraid-living-the-life-god-designed-for-you/

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The art of renegotiating your goals and expectations
Doing it afraid: Living the life God designed for you