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how to make time for the things you love

How to make time for the things you love

We have a big problem in this world with the need to always be busy. I know this because I am part of the problem. I have a hard time letting go of my to-do list and I wonder if you may be the same way. 

Recently, my friend shared this fantastic tip she received from a mentor of hers, and she messaged me to tell me that I had to try it and share it with you. It’s straightforward but impactful and gives you the permission to lay on the couch and do absolutely nothing without feeling like a failure or that you shouldn’t be enjoying your fill-up the cup time. 

So hit play to hear how this one tip can help you make time for the things you love. It’s so simple, all you need is five minutes and…

Sharing your faith boldly at work and play
58. How to reclaim your life with your morning routine