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64. How our family went from living off of two incomes to one

I often get asked how my hubby Matt and I jumped from two incomes to one. I’m usually asked this question by women who want to leave their current job or are ready to go all-in on their dreams but are afraid to jump. The short answer is that I had a stud of a husband who did a stellar job at crunching the numbers for us. But the full answer involves us creating a communication partnership and getting on the same page. I’ve shared pieces of the story on the podcast, but I didn’t think it was fair only to share my perspective, so I asked Mr. Matt Dvorak himself to join me and share his side of the story on how we made it happen and how we are still making it work.

So, here is our story of how we went from two incomes to one and how you can, too.

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2022/11/22/how-our-family-went-from-living-off-of-two-incomes-to-one/

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A good Word for the weary dreary days
65. Need to make a big decision? Use this simple tool.