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19. Asking God for big dreams

Do you have a burning desire to do something more but don’t know what to do? Or do you have an idea that just won’t go away no matter how much you try not to think about it? Asking God for big dreams can be scary, scary because He’s a God that wants to give you what you ask for, and scary because if you dream big and ask big, you will have to either decide to take a huge leap of faith or say no to your dream. 

Patty Post knows just what it is like to dream big and ask God for the door to open to a big, scary, but exciting dream. As the founder and CEO of Checkable Medical, a healthcare startup company, her dream of one day innovating a new way of healthcare is now a reality. Her company empowers consumers to take their health into their own hands, providing peace of mind through at-home tests and innovative wellness solutions. Something she was told wasn’t possible. 

If you are sitting on the sidelines waiting for your big dream, or if you have made the leap and need encouragement to keep going, Patty’s story will inspire and motivate you to ask for the big and expect the doors to open. 

So, let’s dive in and make it happen!

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2021/06/30/asking-god-for-big-dreams/

How to use social media to uplift yourself and others
Asking God for big dreams