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56. Sharing your faith boldly at work and play

Where do you land on the boldness scale of sharing your faith? Are you a shy and timid three, or are you a say it loud and proud ten? 

For many reasons, sharing your faith at work and with those outside the Christian community can feel uncomfortable. Maybe you’re afraid of rejection or don’t want to have an awkward conversation. Or you fear getting in trouble, especially if you start sharing your faith at work. Those hesitations don’t make you a bad Christian or one without faith; it makes you incredibly human. 

I chatted with Amy Cedrone and Catherine Gates about how to have bold faith at work and play, ways to share your faith if you feel uncomfortable, legal protection around sharing your faith, and how to maneuver the awkward situations that may arise when sharing your faith. 

So, get ready to be equipped to share your faith boldly. Let’s get after it!

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2022/09/27/sharing-your-faith-boldly-at-work-and-play/ 

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55. Making an impact with everyday mundane moments
Sharing your faith boldly at work and play