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81. How to transform your life with love and reveal the power of Christlike devotion

Cultural and life experiences can skew our vision and definition of love. After life threw a few curveballs, Kim Sorrelle questioned what love really meant. So she devoted a year to searching for the true meaning of love, and she found it. And now, she is on a mission to change the world with the power of love. In this episode, Kim shares her sometimes funny, sometimes scary, and enlightening journey that led to life-changing discoveries found mainly on the streets of Haiti. 

My conversation with Kim opened my eyes to what it means to cultivate a life of love like 1 Corinthians 13, and I know you will walk away with a new perspective and deeper understanding, too. Listen in. 

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2023/03/21/how-to-transform-your-life-with-love-and-reveal-the-power-of-christlike-devotion/ 

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Remember, faith is not just a belief – it’s a lifestyle!

80. Tried-and-true systems that bring peace and joy to your home
How to transform your life with love and reveal the power of Christlike devotion