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107. Powerful and effective head-to-toe scripture-based prayers for your child – Sharon Jaynes

We all know that being a parent is a privilege and responsibility like no other. As Christian moms, we’re not just shaping human beings but eternal souls. And that’s where our greatest superpower comes into play: prayer. In this episode, Sharon Jaynes, author of Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe: A 30-Day Guide to Powerful and Effective Scripture-Based Prayer, takes us through sixteen essential areas of our child’s life, from their thoughts to their burdens, from their gifts to the path ahead. Imagine being able to pray for your child’s mind, eyes, ears, shoulders, gifts, and relationships with intention and confidence. Sharon’s unique head-to-toe pattern makes prayer a natural habit that we can infuse into our daily lives. 

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2023/09/19/powerful-and-effective-head-to-toe-scripture-based-prayers-for-your-child/ 

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Remember, faith is not just a belief – it’s a lifestyle!

Purpose over pride: Why collaboration is crucial for faith-inspired work
Powerful and effective head-to-toe scripture-based prayers for your child