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112. The story behind the catalyst moment that changed my life

In this episode, I share my personal journey and the pivotal moment that changed the trajectory of my life. I reflect on my experiences, from a high-stress corporate job to a life-altering pregnancy, and the catalyst moment that led me to make a bold decision. My story is a  testament to the power of faith, obedience, and holding onto God’s guidance. So listen in to discover your catalyst moments and embrace them with an unwavering dedication to God’s will. If you’re seeking inspiration in your journey of faith and pursuing God-sized dreams, this episode offers the valuable insights you need to stay the course or light that fire within you. 

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FAITH AND GATHER FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/faithandgather 

FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2023/10/24/112-the-story-behind-the-catalyst-moment-that-changed-my-life/ 

Grab a copy of the A Joy to Dream Workbook: https://faithandgather.myflodesk.com/ajoytodreamworkbook2 

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Remember, faith is not just a belief – it’s a lifestyle!

How to reprioritize Sabbath as a spiritual practice in a hustle culture
The story behind the catalyst moment that changed my life