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114. The keys to pursuing and persevering in your God-sized dreams – Ciara Laine Myers

Does your God-sized dream seem a little blurry? Are you questioning what it takes and tempted to quit? I get it. I’ve been there, and so has my incredible guest, Ciara Laine Myers. 

Ciara is not just an author but a fellow God-sized dreamer who understands the journey of living out a vision from the Lord. In this episode, we’re diving deep into how to fulfill your God-given vision without giving in to the temptation to quit. We will uncover the treasures in Ciara’s book, “Glasses Off: Seeing God When Your Vision is Gone,” like the seven practical steps to embrace God’s vision, the importance of perseverance, and the cost of a lost vision. Plus, she’s got a momentum formula up her sleeve that you won’t want to miss. So, get ready to be inspired, encouraged, and equipped to chase your God-sized dreams. 

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2023/11/07/the-keys-to-pursuing-and-persevering-in-your-god-sized-dreams/ 

Grab your free A Joy to Dream Workbook: https://faithandgather.myflodesk.com/ajoytodreamworkbook2 

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Remember, faith is not just a belief – it’s a lifestyle!

Choosing hope amid life’s curveballs and worst-case scenarios
The keys to pursuing and persevering in your God-sized dreams