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Learning to love yourself through the hurting, healing, and growing.

5. Learning to love yourself through the hurting, healing, and growing.

The Bible commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Question: Do you love yourself? How can we show love to our neighbors (family, friends, community, strangers, etc.) if we don’t offer the same respect and love to ourselves? ⁠

Over the years, Tess Hayes, author of May You Shine: Love Letters to the Hurting, Healing, and Growing Heart, has overcome heartbreak, growing pains, and other difficult moments life has thrown her way. Through God, she has found peace and has learned to love herself. Be comforted and inspired as we chat about how to start on the journey of loving yourself and the amazing woman you were always meant to be. 

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOWNOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2021/02/15/tesshayes/

Learning to love yourself through the hurting, healing, and growing
6. Fruit Snack: 3 practical tips to avoid burnout