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79. Overcoming the fear of failure: How God can redeem your missed shots

Some people in life look like they seemingly have it all together. Jennifer Zick, a successful and accomplished businesswoman I admire, is one of those people. However, as Jennifer reveals in this episode, even people who seem confident and full of faith can struggle with fear and lack of confidence. Listen in as she shares her personal journey of moving forward from fear and missed shots, taking risks, and learning to trust God with each intentional step. You will be encouraged to realize that outward appearances don’t always show the whole story and to take steps toward overcoming fear and trusting God’s plan for your life – even when you miss the shot.

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FAITH INSPIRED SHOW NOTES: https://faithinspiredpodcast.com/2023/03/07/overcoming-the-fear-of-failure-how-god-can-redeem-your-missed-shots/ 

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Remember, faith is not just a belief – it’s a lifestyle!

How to break free from your mental prisons
Overcoming the fear of failure: How God can redeem your missed shots